Friday, July 18, 2008

Mature beyond my years!!!

If there is one thing that growing up in a small town in Idaho has taught me, it is my ability to entertain myself with absolutely NOTHING. It is with fondness that I remember my summer days in Fairview. I remember trying to ride the neighbors calfs, (yeah, I'm hardcore like that!!), riding my bike, trying to recreate the "PLINKO" board from The Price is Right with cardboard and toothpicks, and most especially, I remember peeling the "skin" off my hands. Skin, in this instance was not actually skin, it was Elmer's glue. I can not tell you how many hours my sister and I would kill, just spreading glue all over the palms of our hands, and up our fingers, letting it dry a bit, and then peeling it off like we had a bad case of Leprosy or something. That my dear friends, is entertainment at its finest. The only reason I mention any of this is so I can point out exactly how mature I have become.

Yesterday, as I came home from work, I walked in the door and what was sitting on the table....a bottle of Elmer's glue. about a flood of memories. Pavlov's stupid dogs have nothing on me now. All I could think about was sitting down and squirting glue all over my grownup hands, waiting a bit for it to dry, and then peeling my "skin" off. I even picked up the bottle, twisted that little orange cap, picked at the dried glue that had collected along the top. It was all I could do to not squirt a handful and sink into the gluey abyss. I'm pretty sure my eyes glazed over, at least for a minute. I had the whole "Homer Simpson sees a plate full of donuts and bacon" look goin' on, for sure. In fact, I think its safe to say that I now totally understand the pain of a crack addict going through withdrawals. BUT, I am happy to report that by the grace of God....and a very watchful eye from my kids, I put the glue down and just walked away. Yeah, thats right, I'm mature like that. I chose something much more productive to do with my time.....GUITAR HERO!!! (don't judge me, its all about the baby steps)


Anonymous said...

Talk about mature. I still take the caps off of those markers that smell like fruit (you know the ones that have the little creatures on them) and sniff away.

Fonzareli said...

I am peeing my pants right now cuz just on Sunday, I totally gave myself the Elmer manicure! FYI...still feels great!

Chelsie Brown said...

I was a fan of candle wax. I'd dip the tip of my finger into in and then before you know it, I'd be covered in it just so I could feel the sensation of peeling it off.

Note for you- if you pick the right candle, it smells way better than elmers glue. I prefer fruity flavors, but who knows, you might be the rosey flowery type!?!

Ginger said...

Elmer's glue is much better than "peeling the dead skin after a sunburn" syndrome. I'm not usually disappointed when I fry somewhere, because I know in just a few short days I will experience the joy that is "peeling". I sometimes get my fix by giving myself a facial, complete with "the mask". Joy has nothing on a face full of congelled goodness being peeled back across your face! I'd suggest you try it, but am reminded of Brad Paisley's song, "I'm still a guy". I don't think your type goes for facials...